Funding |
Bank Guarantee Transferring and getting funds.
Bank Guarantees are itself a payment security which is backed by a certain bank. Most of the time people can be seen buying and selling bank guarantees online. Do you think its possible or its a true business to trade in Bank Guarantees ?
As informed, bank guarantees cant be sold or purchased, its a payment instrument issued for a particular business and backed by purchase order or contract.
Most of the agents seems promising certain clients that they can get bank guarantees to enhance their limits for a certain time period. But never seen any client who either has accepted that they got such commitments fulfilled by any agent.
Comments are invited for more clarification.
Bank Guarantees are itself a payment security which is backed by a certain bank. Most of the time people can be seen buying and selling bank guarantees online. Do you think its possible or its a true business to trade in Bank Guarantees ?
As informed, bank guarantees cant be sold or purchased, its a payment instrument issued for a particular business and backed by purchase order or contract.
Most of the agents seems promising certain clients that they can get bank guarantees to enhance their limits for a certain time period. But never seen any client who either has accepted that they got such commitments fulfilled by any agent.
Comments are invited for more clarification.